Fox Creek Catchment Area

Driving east on Highway 36 Fox Creek is located between Cummings Creek and MS Weares monitoring sites. Fox Creek is a tributary of main stem Van Duzen River, and merges with the river just upstream from the junction of Cummings Creek. The Fox Creek monitoring site is tucked well into the redwood forest, and several miles from Highway 36 and in the town of Carlotta. The site is situated 40° 31.170' North and 124° 00.018' West, and its catchment area encompasses approximately 2.09 miles of stream network. The site is located in the redwoods with a sizable buffer zone of hardwoods like Red Alder within the riparian zone around the stream. Elevations in Fox Creek range from 151 feet at its mouth to over 1,360 feet in the upper reaches, and the monitoring site is approximately 118 feet in elevation. The watershed is completely in private ownership with virtually all timber holdings and timber harvests conducted by Humboldt Redwood Company (formerly PALCO). Vegetation is predominantly mixed and evergreen (Redwood) forest throughout. The catchment area of a monitoring site is important when considering upslope factors that affect water quality in the stream. This area represents the true watershed that lies above the point where water from the stream is sampled, and from which all rainfall and sediment are channeled into the stream down to the point where water is withdrawn for turbidity and suspended sediment analysis.

Stream discharge is directly proportional to the size of the catchment area - the greater the area, the more water is carried by the stream during storm events. Fox Creek is relatively small compared to other streams within the project area, and the stream drains an area of approximately 2.49 square kilometers which is equivalent to 0.96 square miles. During the first year of sampling (HY07) volunteers recorded a maximum discharge of 105 cubic feet per second (CFS) and an average discharge of 13 CFS, a maximum turbidity of 1,596 Nephlometric Units (NTU) and an average turbidity of 173 NTU. In HY08, there was a maximum discharge of 113 CFS and an average discharge of 19 CFS, a maximum turbidity of 2,972 NTU and an average turbidity of 219 NTU over the winter sampling season. Over the two seasons combined (HY07-HY08), the maximum discharge was in HY08 at 113 CFS with an average of 19 CFS, maximum turbidity was also in HY08 at 2,972 NTU with an average of 196 NTU. This translates to an average of 1,597 tons of suspended sediment per square mile per year.

Fox Creek used to be a perennial stream but now does not fully run year round and is therefore referred to as an ephemeral stream (as opposed to a perennial, year round stream). As the stream runs considerably dry in the summer, temperatures during this time of the year were not measured. Fox Creek has a road density of about 9.3 miles of roads per square mile of watershed. As with all of the catchment areas within the lower basin, this density of road networks receives a rating of extremely high. In the 17-year period from 1991 through 2007, the proportion of the area harvested for timber equaled 71.8%, with clear cutting accounting for 28.9% of the total area.


Fox Creek, looking downstream as seen from the access road.. Photo by P. Trichilo
Fox Creek, looking downstream as seen from the access road.
(Photo by P. Trichilo)
Fox Creek at the staff plate after a moderate Spring storm event. Photo by P. Trichilo.
Fox Creek at the staff plate after a moderate Spring storm event. (Photo by P. Trichilo)

Looking downstreams from the Fox Creek monitoring site. Photo by P. Trichilo.
Looking downstream from the Fox Creek monitoring site.
(Photo by P. Trichilo)

Fox Creek monitoring site during the summer dry season. Photo by P. Trichilo.
Fox Creek monitoring site during the summer dry season.
(Photo by P. Trichilo)

Friends of the Van Duzen River
PO Box 315
Carlotta, CA 95528